Byfords Topographical Survey: River Cross Sections
Our clients hold a Regional Council Resource Consent for extraction activity and require an annual survey to ensure the activity does not exceed the consented extraction allowances.
Maunga Teitei Developments
This project involved the development of a grassed, Residential Zoned site on the southern side of Shannon Street into 30 residential lots across two stages.
Millrock Estate
Located to the west of the Mangawhero River, Ohakune, Millrock Estate is the result of a multiple lot Subdivision completed over four stages.
Road Stopping Legalisation Survey, Taihape
Plateau Surveyors Limited was approached by WSP who acted on behalf of Waka Kotahi-NZTA to manage the disposal of surplus properties.
Ruapehu College Legalisation Survey, Ohakune
Ruapehu College formed part of the Crown’s Treaty of Waitangi settlement with Ngāti Rangi.
Rural Subdivision, Tapuiwahine Valley Road, Taumarunui
This is one of many rural projects Plateau Surveyors has worked on for our clients, to create rural sites suitable for carbon sequestration activities.
Sewer and Stormwater Easements in Gross, Paradise Terrace, Taihape
Often public servicing infrastructure is found to be laid within the boundaries of privately owned property, the result of historical development, without any legal right of access to the utilities for the relevant local authority, as was the case in Paradise Terrace, Taihape.
Taihape Ambulance Station
A new single level, 2 bay ambulance station was proposed to be built in Linnet Street, Taihape.